Fee Structure

Fee Structure


Our School Fee Structure Includes

Admission Fee

It is applicable for the New Joining Kids for the Current Academic Year.

School Essential Fee

It is a One Time Fee for the Academic Year. By Paying the SEF, the Student gets

  • School Bag & Stationeries

  • Textbooks & Notebooks

  • School Chronicle

  • Abacus Kit & Book

  • 3 Sets of Uniforms

  • 2 Sets of Shoes & Socks

  • ID Card

  • Library & Lab Utilisation

Tuition Fee

The Tuition Fee can be paid in Two Terms. The Term-1 fee should be paid during the Start of the Academic Year. The Term-2 fee should be Paid on the Start of the Second Terminal, which is on the month of November.

Extra-Curricular Fee

The Extra-Curricular Fee is a One Time Fee which is paid for One Complete Year for One Activity. Students are allowed to Enrol in more than One Activity, if they are interested.

Transportation Fee

Our GIS provides Transport facility to various Areas around our Locality. The Transportation Fee can be paid in Two Terms. The Fee may vary according to the Distance of the Pick-Up Point.

Mess Fee

GIS believes, having a Healthy Lifestyle Comes with Consuming Healthy Foods. We have Inbuilt Dining Experience in our School Premises which offers Healthy 3 Meal Option. The Mess Fee can be paid in Two Terms.